Nursing dimension analysis questions and answers.

1. Identify the most important element in nursing’s attempt to gain full autonomy of practice?
Answer. The important element is gaining and maintaining control of nursing practice by nurses.

2. In its attempt to gain freedom and independence, what corresponding factors must the nursing profession embrace?
Answer. Accountability and responsibility.

3. Select the most effective method that nurses can use to gain power over their practice?
Answer. By joining professional organizations in large numbers.

4. What allows a nurse to exert REFERENT power over a client when providing nursing care?
Answer. By establishing of a professional and personal relationship with the client

5. What is a group of jobs that is similar in type of work and found throughout an industry or country?
Answer. Occupation


6. Which of the following types of nurses are classified as technical nurses?
Answer. ADNs and LPNs. Nursing dimension analysis questions and answers.

7. Identify the approach that describes a profession as being in a continual state of development along a continuum?
Answer. Process approach

8. A nursing student is approached by a friend who is not majoring in nursing. The friend asks why the nursing profession does not seem to be actively involved in the women’s rights movement. How can the student best respond to this question?
(a) Nurses do take an active part in leading the women’s rights movement, but it is done very quietly.
(b) The women’s rights movement shuns participation by nurses because of nursing’s subservient image.
(c) The health-care industry discourages nurses from becoming involved in women’s rights issues.
(d) Nurses avoid becoming involved in women’s rights issues because of their traditional role as “helpers.”
Answer. (d) Nurses avoid becoming involved in women’s rights issues because of their traditional role as “helpers.”

9. Identify the element that is the best indicator of increasing accountability in the profession of nursing?
Answer. By demonstrating competency and high-quality care through peer review

10. What is the best method for nurses to prepare for future professional practice?
Answer. Understanding and exploring issues involved in professionalism as nurses

11. What allows a nurse to exert COERCIVE power over a client when providing nursing care?
Answer. The ability to withhold pain medication if the client does not comply with routines

12. What allows a nurse to exert LEGITIMATE power over a client when providing nursing care?
Answer. Establishment of a professional and personal relationship with the client. Nursing dimension analysis questions and answers.

13. What is the trait of a profession that requires the most improvement in the promotion and recognition of nursing as a full and equal profession?
Answer. Activities are learned in institutions of higher education

14. What statement is the best description of a profession from the power approach method of defining a profession?
Answer. The education for the members of the profession must be attained in graduate schools

15. The early Christian era brought which of these important changes in health care?
Answer. Belief in sanctity of life

16. Which development during the European Middle Ages led to a major improvement in health care?
Answer. Growth of religious orders to care for the sick

17. Who is called the “father of modern medicine”?
Answer. Hippocrates

18. What are the dates of Florence Nightingale’s birth and death?
Answer. May 12, 1820; August 13, 1910

19. Identify a key element in the success of Nightingale’s school of nursing.
Answer. Was not under control of the hospital. Nursing dimension analysis questions and answers.

20. What was a major goal of Lavinia Dock?
Answer. Obtaining women right to vote.

21. Which belief about what nurses needed to do shaped Lillian D. Wald’s nursing practice?
Answer. Fight political corruption to procure they types of legislation needed to improve social conditions

22. Which problem had the most severe effect on nursing education during the 1920s and 1930s?
Answer. Lack of qualified nursing instructors

23. Identify a negative effect that WWII had on health care in the United States.
Answer. Increased use of LPNs and aids to substitute for a lower number of RNs

24. Select the statement that most accurately states the effects of increasing populations on health care.
Answer. Crowded living conditions in cities lead to the spread of communicable diseases

25. What characteristic of health care in ancient civilizations distinguishes it from the health care today?
Answer. Health care was closely related to religious practices


26. What are two similarities between the health care provided by the ancient Hebrews and that practiced by the ancient Egyptians?
Answer. Emphasis on well-developed knowledge of surgical techniques and sanitation.

27. Select the element of the medical practice of Hippocrates that remains appropriate for the health-care providers of the 21st century
Answer. Whole client needs to be treated: the mind, body, and spirit

28. Identify the characteristic of ancient Romans society that distinguished the health-care practices of the empire from those of its surrounding neighbors.
Answer. Relatively high social states allotted to Roman women

29. To what event and to which period of history is the disappearance of male nurses usually attributed?
Answer. The Protestant Reformation during the Middle Ages

30. For which contribution to professional nursing is Isabel Adams Hampton Robb most noted?
Answer. Raising the standards for nursing education

31. Who is credited with the development of the nurse practitioner role?
Answer. Loretta Ford. Nursing dimension analysis questions and answers.

32. What situation led to the development of the nurse practitioner role?
Answer. A shortage of health care providers in rural areas of the country.

33. What can be expected of a system that has a high degree of non summativity?
Answer. There is a high degree of interdependence of components.

34. How can most living organisms be classified in general systems theory?
Answer. Open systems

35. Identify the major component for the maintenance of health used in the Roy Adaptation Model of nursing.
Answer. Adaptation

36. “Stimuli” in the Roy Adaptation Model is synonymous with which element in systems theory?

37. How is health described in the Roy Adaptation Model of nursing?
Answer. A state or process of being and becoming an integrated, whole person

38. Identify the two concepts upon which the framework for assessment is based in the Roy Adaptation Model of nursing.
Answer. Cognator and regulator. Nursing dimension analysis questions and answers.

39. In the Roy Adaptation Model of nursing, the second-level assessment modes are most closely related to which part of the system?
Answer. Output


40. Why is it important for nurses to understand and use a nursing theory or model in practice?
Answer. Using models or theories of nursing aids practitioners in providing their care in an organized manner.

41. Identify the four concepts that are common in most nursing theories.
Answer. Client, health, environment, nursing

42. What belief forms the basis for the Orem Self-Care Model?
Answer. Health care is the responsibility of each individual.

43. Identify the primary goal of nursing in the Orem Self-Care Model.
Answer. Help the client conduct self-care activities to reach the highest level of functioning.

44. Select a major contribution that King’s model made to the practice of nursing.
Answer. Formalization of the use of goals to guide client care

45. What aspect of Watson’s Model of Human Caring distinguishes it from most other nursing models?
Answer. Use of a philosophical approach rather than a systems theory approach. Nursing dimension analysis questions and answers.

46. Identify the most important aspect of caring according to Watson’s Model of Human Caring.
Answer. Establishing a helping and trusting relationship

47. How is a “client” most accurately described in Johnson’s Behavioral System Model?
Answer. A behavioral system that is an integrated whole


49. Upon which principle is Neuman’s Health-Care Systems Model based?
Answer. Alteration of environmental stressors leads to health.

50. What is a key function of the nurse in Neuman’s Health-Care Systems Model?
Answer. Identify the level at which a disruption in the client’s internal stability has taken place.

51. In what way have advanced practice nurses most contributed to the development of theories and models in nursing?
Answer. Testing theories in actual nursing practice situations

52. When a number of middle range theories are used to investigate the same or similar concepts over a period of time, they:
Answer. Can be woven together to reinforce or even in some cases, to form the fabric of a new major nursing theory.

53. Identify the statement below that is not an accurate characterization of middle range nursing theories.
Answer. Middle range theories and models are recent developments in nursing research.

54. Identify the statement that is most accurate concerning middle range nursing theories.
Answer. They form the foundation for the current evidenced-based practice movement.

55. Identify the primary role of the nurse in Swanson’s Theory of Caring.
Answer. To guide the client through discussions of their experiences so that they believe that their problems are understood

56. Which of the following is an essential element in Parse’s the Man-Living-Health Model?
Answer. The client’s ability to make free choices. Nursing dimension analysis questions and answers.

57. Identify the primary role of the nurse in Parse’s the Man-Living-Health Model.
Answer. To guide clients in finding and understanding the meaning of their lives

58. What is a type of nursing education program conducted in junior and community colleges that is nominally 2 years in length?
Answer. Associate degree program.


59. Identify an important similarity between the various types of educational programs for nurses.
Answer. Clinical experience is required to gain certain knowledge and skills.

61. Select an important element found in baccalaureate nursing programs that is usually not found in other types of nursing education programs.
Answer. Development of the total intellectual skills of the individual

62. Which contribution of Florence Nightingale had the greatest impact on nursing education?
Answer. Recognizing that formal, systematic education in both theory and practice was essential for the preparation of high-quality nurses

63. Which statement best describes nursing education in the United States during the 1800s and early 1900s?
Answer. There was little or no classroom education, and students learned through hands-on experience during their 12- to 14-hour shifts on the hospital units.

64. Identify a major benefit of the diploma-type training programs for nurses.
Answer. Nurses from diploma programs were proficient in basic nursing skills and could assume a hospital position with minimal orientation.

65. Which practice of diploma nursing programs most concerned the state boards of nursing?
Answer. Use of the students as unpaid hospital personnel during their education programs

66. How can the concept of a career ladder in education best be described?
Answer. Specialized programs for associate degree or diploma RNs to attain a baccalaureate degree

67. What are common characteristics usually found in LPN educational programs?
Answer. Technically oriented, located in vocational technical schools or community colleges, 9 to 12 months in length

68. Which category of advanced practice nurses is the most widely accepted by the public?
Answer. Nurse practitioners

68. Identify the primary position advocated by the 1964 ANA Position Paper on Education for Nurses.
Answer. Baccalaureate education should be the basic level of preparation for professional nurses. Nursing dimension analysis questions and answers.

69. What is the most important consequence of the ANA Position Paper on Education for Nurses?
Answer. Demand for a clear distinction between technical and professional nursing programs


70. Identify two key requirements for entry into a master’s degree nursing program.
Answer. Baccalaureate degree in nursing, satisfactory score on the GRE or MAT

71. What is a trend found in doctoral-level programs that has developed since the 1970s?
Answer. More emphasis on the clinical than on the academic nature of nursing

72. Identify an important function that a nurse serving as a case manager would be required to perform.
Answer. Overseeing client care during rehabilitation at home

73. What is the key element in relationship-centered nursing care?
Answer. Clients’ trust in the role and skills of the nurse in the healing process

74. Identify the primary purpose for the development of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project?
Answer. Focus nursing education on competencies to reduce the number of medical errors.