Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts Everyday Bible Study

After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 6-11), identify the following items:


Once you have identified these 10 items, list and explain them in a thread. Your full thread should contain at least one quote from Everyday Bible Study to support the thoughts and ideas you are presenting. For an example of this type of thread, please see the provided example Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts Everyday Bible Study


BIBL 104

B. Module 3: Week 3

Thread: Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts



1. Because of sin, our nature (human nature) is curved in upon itself. This is what is theologically known as original sin. The Old Testament prophet Jeremiah understood this and wrote, “The human heart is the most deceitful of all things, and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?” (Jeremiah 17:9)


2. The heart is co corrupted by sin that it will fear, love, and trust anything and anyone but God. Therefore, culture ideas like “trust your heart” or “follow your heart” should not be heeded. This kind of advice will only lead away from God.


3. “God always meets us when rock meets bottom. He promises to meet us in the place of despair” (Grunewald, p.101). Thus, it is in places of lowliness, weakness, and brokenness that we are must likely to find God. It is in these places that we will find the presence of God and not the absence of God Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts Everyday Bible Study .


4. Christians love their neighbor not out of obligation but out of a heart overflowing with the love of Jesus. This is the heart of a servant. This is also the heart of Jesus who demonstrated through his actions what being a servant looked like Triangles:

1. Sin is ultimately the worship of self and therefore a worship problem.

2. According to Luther, one reason that people leave the church is because sin is downplayed and good works is promoted making people think they are already good enough or righteous enough for God’s acceptance.


3. “Christian growth is not primarily about sinning less. Christian growth is a war within us that is won by the Spirit through the Gospel…As you grow you will realize more and more how big the problem of sin is…Growth isn’t about needing the cross less, it’s about the cross doing its work daily. As we become acutely aware of what need to be put to death our daily lives transform” (Grunewald, p. 96).


1. How else does Paul describe the difference between the carnal and the spiritual man in his other letters and does Luther’s understanding in Romans fit with these descriptions?

2. How does Luther’s understanding of the gifts listed in Romans (Prophecy, Service, Teaching, Exhortation, Generosity, Leadership, and Mercy) fit with the other places Paul talks about gifts in his letters?


1. “Grace is the pronouncement of your relationship to the Father, and it has nothing to do with whether you are a well-behaved child of the Father” (Grunewald, p. 39) Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts Everyday Bible Study .


Bible 104

Topic: Questions About the Bible

Thread: Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts

After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 6-11), identify the following items:

Squares: 4 ideas that, in general, square (fit) with your thinking
Triangles: 3 angles you have never considered before
Circles: 2 questions that are circling in your mind
Hearts: 1 idea that you loved.
Once you have identified these 10 items, list and explain them in a thread. Your full thread should contain at least one quote from Everyday Bible Study to support the thoughts and ideas you are presenting. Your thread should be at least 400 words in length. For an example of this type of thread, please see the provided example.